oracle(s): practicing speculative computation
workshops (2020-present)
oracle(s) comes from the quotidian practice of engaging with chance -- -towards finding meaningful answers in a time when life chances for many are becoming foreclosed. Through in person and web based workshops we center an engagement with Black Feminist Poethics (da Silva) inspired by the ongoing oracle praxis with Alexis Pauline Gumbs. oracle(s) assembles and engages an archive of texts, scents and sounds that act as divinatory and sacred tools for engaging in collective unknowing practices. Contrary to contemporary computational paradigms, we acknowledge the impossibility of subduing risk through modes of prediction. Instead we engage in oracle inspired practices (such as bibliomancy) that engage the queerness of risk as a poetic future text for emboldening our relations to each other within unpredictability. We understand that resonance, non-linearity and association are powerful practices within oracle(s) that might create a "skeleton architecture" (Lorde) collectively training us for a world that is anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, full of tunings and cusps and towards anti-oppressive otherwises.
oracle(s) members: Romi Ron Morrison, Loren Britton, Helen Pritchard, Eric Snodgrass

oracle(s) intro video